Monday, March 30, 2009
A difference of 2 days....
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Rain, Freezing Rain, Ice then Snow, lots of snow...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
bridal shower....
We also had a chocolate fountain with appropriate dippers. And I have leftovers! YUM!!!! The shower itself was ok. I was not in charge of it, I just did the food.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Brianna's Kitty Sweater
Here it is!! Brianna's Kitty Sweater. This is a pattern that I received after my grandmother passed away, she had made one for my aunt when she was about 6. So, my niece is 6, so it was time to make her one. It's a bit too late for this year, but she'll still be able to wear it next year. All I need is to add the buttons, but I have to go find them first!
So here is a picture of the sweater back and the pattern:

The front:

And a close-up of the back:
So here is a picture of the sweater back and the pattern:
The front:
And a close-up of the back:
Quidditch Round Two
1. On which day did the Order of the Phoenix come to get Harry?
c. Saturday
2. During all this chaos with voldemort and the Death Eaters, people still had lives to live and Ron's oldest brother, Bill decided to marry Fleur Delacour? Who were the uninvited guests at Bill and Fleur's wedding?
b. Death Eaters
3. Voldemort had seven Horcruxes hidden in different places. Six of them were hidden at the Gaunt shack, Hogwarts, a cave, inside Harry, inside his snake, Nagini and Tom Riddles Diary. Did Voldemort hide the last Horcrux inside the Malfoy's vault at Gringotts?
b. No (the Lestrange' Vault)
4. Why did the Dumbledore's move to Godric's Hollow?
c. The father went to Azkaban
5. Harry and Hermione read a part of "Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore," written by Rita Skeeter. Then they met Dumbledore's brother Abeforth and he told them the same story, just with a few details changed. Which of the following did Aberforth and Rita Skeeter agree on about Dumbdore's past?
b. That Dumbledore was friends with Grindelwald for a while.
6. When Harry and Hermione visit Godric's Hollow, they visit the graveyard to see Harry's parent's graves. Harry walks by a tombstone that we later learn belong to tone of "The Three Broother'. The brother buried there once owned what?
b. The cloak
7. The Trio finds out that Luna had been kidnapped by the Death Eaters , and that they won't give her back until they got Harry Potter. Why did they kidnap Luna?
a. Her father sided with Harry and Dumbledore
8. After Voldemort killed Snape, he left the room and Harry came out from under the cloak. Snape gave Harry some of his memories all the way from when he was a child to just months before. Harry dived into the Pensieve and which of the following did he not see?
c. Snape and Lily having fun in a potions class
9. On the search of the Lost Diadem, Harry finally gets to takl to the Gray Lady. Who was the Gray Lady when she was alive?
c. Helena Ravenclaw.
10. Which of these is not one of Harry or Ron's children?
d. Victoria
Picture Scavenger Hunt
These pictures must either be posted to your blog or linked to from your blog.

c. Saturday
2. During all this chaos with voldemort and the Death Eaters, people still had lives to live and Ron's oldest brother, Bill decided to marry Fleur Delacour? Who were the uninvited guests at Bill and Fleur's wedding?
b. Death Eaters
3. Voldemort had seven Horcruxes hidden in different places. Six of them were hidden at the Gaunt shack, Hogwarts, a cave, inside Harry, inside his snake, Nagini and Tom Riddles Diary. Did Voldemort hide the last Horcrux inside the Malfoy's vault at Gringotts?
b. No (the Lestrange' Vault)
4. Why did the Dumbledore's move to Godric's Hollow?
c. The father went to Azkaban
5. Harry and Hermione read a part of "Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore," written by Rita Skeeter. Then they met Dumbledore's brother Abeforth and he told them the same story, just with a few details changed. Which of the following did Aberforth and Rita Skeeter agree on about Dumbdore's past?
b. That Dumbledore was friends with Grindelwald for a while.
6. When Harry and Hermione visit Godric's Hollow, they visit the graveyard to see Harry's parent's graves. Harry walks by a tombstone that we later learn belong to tone of "The Three Broother'. The brother buried there once owned what?
b. The cloak
7. The Trio finds out that Luna had been kidnapped by the Death Eaters , and that they won't give her back until they got Harry Potter. Why did they kidnap Luna?
a. Her father sided with Harry and Dumbledore
8. After Voldemort killed Snape, he left the room and Harry came out from under the cloak. Snape gave Harry some of his memories all the way from when he was a child to just months before. Harry dived into the Pensieve and which of the following did he not see?
c. Snape and Lily having fun in a potions class
9. On the search of the Lost Diadem, Harry finally gets to takl to the Gray Lady. Who was the Gray Lady when she was alive?
c. Helena Ravenclaw.
10. Which of these is not one of Harry or Ron's children?
d. Victoria
Picture Scavenger Hunt
These pictures must either be posted to your blog or linked to from your blog.




Godric's Hollow

Saturday, March 14, 2009
itchiness and basketball...
Well, I have had an interesting last day or two. I came home from work on Thursday and was getting ready to work my shift at my part time job. I started itching. I looked and I had hives on my upper chest, my shoulders and my arms. I took a couple of benadryl and went on to work. They cleared up and I thought I was fine. Then I get home eat dinner, and take a quick shower and go to bed. I wake up about an hour and a half later with hives from my head to my waist solid. I have never had hives on my body, usually only in my mouth. There were hives in my ears! The hubs took me to the ER, where they gave me more benadryl, an anti-inflammatory and another anti-histamine. They went mostly away. I went to school yesterday, then chaperoned a busload of kids to the state semi-final basket ball game where our boys were playing! At the game the hives started coming back. I woke up this morning and now I have them all over again. Not as bad as yesterday morning, but definately coverd in them. Now, nothing in my diet or anything has changed. I don't know what's causing them. And it's really starting to annoy me.
This afternoon I am again chaperoning a busload of kids to the state basketball game where our boys are playing for the state title!! We are so excited. I am so excited to be a part of this experience.
This afternoon I am again chaperoning a busload of kids to the state basketball game where our boys are playing for the state title!! We are so excited. I am so excited to be a part of this experience.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
It's finally finished!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bachelorette Party Etiquette?
Ok, so my best friend from college is getting married in April. I am a bridesmaid in her wedding. So far she hasn't been too bad about things and really hasn't been a 'bridezilla.' Now, her maid of honor on the other hand, is being a bit demanding. We are having the bachelorette party and bridal shower the same weekend, this was to help me out. I have never been to a bachelorette party and don't really know what to expect. I am the only one that does not live in the same town that the parties are being held. I have to make a 4 hour drive and pay for a hotel room in town. I am the only one incurring any major expenses just to attend the parties. Now, I don't mind doing this, but I feel that no one has even considered this fact. Today I received the invitation to the bachelorette party. I am expected to pay for a hotel room for the bride to "open presents." What?! I have to buy her a present?! The MOH wants a "sexy" gift for the bride to take on her honeymoon. And I have to pay for a hotel room for this, why can't we just do it at the restaurant where we are having dinner or the bride's apartment? So, I emailed the MOH and asked about the expenses, reminding her that I am coming from out of town. I inquired about paying for the hotel room, I asked if it was an issue of having a sober driver, that I would be happy to take anyone home that would need a ride, as I don't drink. She replied that it was in case anyone got too drunk they would have a place to crash. And I'm supposed to pay for this, I don't think so. If they get too drunk to go home, then they can pay for their own room, that's their own problem. Then we were told that we had to buy the bride a drink and snack when we go out to the bars. Now, I don't drink and I have issues with other people drinking and getting drunk. I don't think that it's my responsibility to help get her drunk. I'm not trying to be difficult, but I have my limits. I'm already paying a lot out of my pocket to just attend, now I am expected to pay everything for her? I'm just frustrated and to the point that I don't even really want to go.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Great bargains at the lake!!
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