Friday, February 1, 2019

January Check In/February Goals

I thought I would do an update on what I completed in January:
  1. Hat for J (Mahomes Hat)
  2. Hat for M (Mahomes Hat)
  3. Hat for Me (Valentines Hat)
  4. Ear warmer for my mom (Cabled Earwarmer)
  5. Snowflake socks (J swiped!)
  6. Project from red/black/grey yarn for J (Fingerless Mitts)
  7. Began my Northeasterly, have added to it since this!
  8. Added 2 squares to my Cozy Memories
  9. Finished 6 hats for classes
 My goals in February include:
  1. Work on Mason’s cardigan
  2. 1 of 2 deer hats
  3. Finish 1 pair of socks - teacher pair
  4. More class hats
  5. Cozy memories squares - at least 6
I have caked up the yarns for their teacher socks, I've chosen patterns, I just need to get started on them!