Hoo Ha, Hoo Ha
Go, go, get 'em, get 'em
And when you got 'em say:
Hoo Ha, Hoo Ha!!!
I didn't go to Hogsmeade today like other Hogwarts students, I went to a muggle football game, it was at Arrowhead Stadium. It was my college team, Northwest Missouri State vs our biggest rival, Pittsburg State University, which also is my brother's alma mater. We won!!! 35 - 10!!!! It was one heck of a game!!
Oh, and I took the latest sock that I was working on. Yeah, it fell out of my purse somewhere and I lost it. AND the addi turbos that I was making them with. I am SO mad. I'm going to call Monday morning, but I doubt they'd be turned in.
I also finished a hat for my brother-in-law for Christmas, it's totally him. I made him a hat last year and he went nuts over it, so he's getting another one this year. I bought this yarn at an auction this summer.
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