Monday, December 28, 2009

knitting woes.....

I love knitting and crocheting. I love making things for other people. But people have made it not very fun for me. Why is it that when someone learns that you can do this craft assumes that you have the time, money or even the wish to make them something??? At my mom's birthday party, a Friend of my mother saw a scarf that I had made and told her 11 year old daughter, Stephanie knows how to knit, she can make you a hat. What? I see you less than once a year and you are volunteering me to make your kid a hat? My aunt will find a pattern and email it to me wanting me to make it. I'm not made of money, you want to go buy the yarn. Then yesterday at a family dinner, I was giving my niece the scarf that I made her to match her hat and mittens, and my entire family started telling me the colors they wanted for scarves and mittens. Now, I don't mind making things for other people, in fact most things I make are for other people, I rarely make anything for myself. Every time someone asks/assumes I'll make them something, I have started quoting a price or telling them I'll teach them to knit. I told my family yesterday that I would charge $12 a pair of mittens, they all thought I was ridiculous. Well, handmade costs more, get over it. I will continue to knit for others, just what and when I want to!!!

1 comment:

Hermione Bagnold said...

I can't say that I blame you! Thankfully, my family (in-laws included!) doesn't pull that sort of stunt, and if they DO want me to make them something are more than willing to shell out for the cost of the yarn at the very least! I hope they start to appreciate you more than to think that you're a knitting machine to fulfill their fancies!